

Sunday - 10AM Sunday School, 1045AM Worship Service | Thursday - 6PM Bible Study

Low income housing initiative

With the decline of the steel industry in the 1970's, the city of Gary and other communities in Northwest Indiana were left with high ratios of unemployment, underemployment, degradation, and despair. As with so many American communities, the absence of jobs has equated to a heightened presence of urban blight and all the maladies that go with it. We at God's Glory intend to address some of the challenges in our community. Affordable housing is one of those challenges, and so we begin where God is already working. We have been blessed by a generous donor who saw our vision and donated a single family home to the Church. Out of the vision was born our low income housing initiative or LiHi pronounced (lee hi). There is work yet to be done, we ask your financial support to help complete the rehabilitation of the home so that we can offer affordable housing to those in need. Come and join us in this endeavor. Pastor Baity and the Church family thank you in advance for any amount of help you may be able to provide. God Bless You!

Community Outreach

The list of today's challenges continue to grow but we will meet the need and spread the seed of the gospel. Along with food and clothing, we also intend to reach other vital areas concerning the needs of our community. Transportation, job assistance, financial empowerment, counseling and of course spiritual guidance, are a few of the areas that need a tremendous amount of support. We are here for you to do our part as resources permit. Keep us in your prayers as we embark upon this journey by faith.